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The Project

The specific aim of this Robots and SME (ROB-SME) project was to develop a series of training and support tools for SME Managers to enable them to assess the value of robots to their business development and sustainability and then effectively introduce them. These tools will include a best practice guide, self-assessment tools and an information exchange platform.

​The overall impact of the Project will be an effective and viable way of managing the growing need for information and support of SME in the area of the introduction of new age technologies into their business.

​The project undertook a Europe-wide survey to determine the issues faced by SME Managers when considering the introduction of robots/AI into their organisation and make recommendations as to what strategies they need to adopt to gain the best advantage from their introduction.

The results of the benchmarking and European survey have been developed into a Support & Resources Platform that includes training programmes, self assessment tools, resource material and informational videos.

The Partners

EU15 Ltd - Project Promoter (United Kingdom)

EU15 Limited is a training and software development company that specialises in eLearning solutions for both the public and private sectors. With the increasing importance and challenges facing training for “New Age Technologies” EU15 has a keen interest in working with new Partners to enhance and develop new training methodologies to enhance the skills of a new generation that will need such skills when seeking employment in the future.


CEPROF has great experience in the relevant areas to this project. In 2014 they organized a Robotics competition for VET schools, which had the participation of teams from South America, Europe and Asia The way the Technological trainings is taught is by doing small classroom projects. These can either be the development and the programming of a Robot to fulfil certain tasks, or the development of small gadgets which have won prizes in national school competitions.

Unseen Pro Ltd. (Bulgaria)

Unseen Pro is a company focused on the development of high quality web, mobile and desktop soſtware solutions, based in Varna, Bulgaria. The company was established in 2009 with a start-up grant from the project Technostart, financed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Economics with cooperation of the UN Program for developing of Bulgaria. The company has extensive experience in software design and implementation such as online training systems, desktop and smartphone applications, video and audio software processing.

Slovak Business Agency (Slovakia)

For more than 20 years the Slovak Business Agency has been supporting development and growth of Slovak SMEs to improve their competitiveness at the local, regional, national levels, on the EU market and globally. The non-profit seeking organization is a unique platform of the public and private sector initiated by the European Union and the Slovak Government.

The 4Civility Institute (Ireland)

The principals of The 4Civility Institute have been creating specialized training modules for over 25 years. They have created modules for over 120 colleges and universities worldwide, as well as for more than 15 NGOs, and for the European Commission through various grant projects and contracts. Two of the principals are PhD researchers, professors, and scholars. 4Civility has a special interest in AI and Robotics and believes that it is important to begin to engage SMEs in understanding how to prepare for the conflicts that the stress of AI and Robotics will bring to the workplace and have been undertaking self-funded research into this topic.


Robots & SMEs (ROB-SME)

Project Number: 2019-1-UK01-KA204-061627 

Co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Start date: 01-09-2019
End date: 31-08-2021

Robots & SMEs

Co-Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

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